
Feels like: -2

So Spencer and I along with Spencer's grandpa and Ace take a walk at seven and already my hair has begun to tangle. My shoes are soaked with dew and by the end of the walk at eight, it's already 82 (feels like 90.) Later we go to LeHunt and come back tick covered and disheveled from our romp through the overgrown ghost town. Anna meets up with us and we go on a hike (get tick covered again) and end up at Elk City Lake where it's only proper that we go for a swim.

I just want to feel the burning upper current mix with the cold dark water against my skin right now. Please winter weather, it's time to end. You may very well literally be killing me.

1 comment:

leandra.b said...

i'm secretly afraid of being britney spiers.

and that sounds like a dream. i can't wait for spring, either, and the wandering without cold, bitter, agony in at least 2 exposed parts of my body.